In this chapter, we will learn how to use an anchor <a> tag in HTML. It is used to create hyperlink text.

The anchor tags <a> are commonly used to link the separate webpage. Also, they can be used to link between the different website pages on a page.

This chapter is a part of the Complete HTML Tutorial. If you want to learn HTML from scratch, feel free to follow the Tutorial chapter-wise.

How to use anchor tag <a>

The <a> element defines the hyperlink in HTML. It is clickable and redirects you to another page.


<a href=""> Click to Visit FokatGuru</a>

It creates a hyperlink that is clickable and redirects you to the address specified by the href attribute i.e

The hyperlink created by the <a> element is applied to the text, images or any other nested elements.

To create a link that will open in a new tab.

<a href="" target="_blank">Click Here</a>

Even, you can specify that the link leads to an external website.

<a href="" rel="external" >External Link</a>
Note: Anchor Tag is an inline element meaning that it will take the width as that of content.

Use an anchor tag like a pro:

You can also link a website that uses an FTP protocol. You can link like this:

<a href=""> A link to a FTP website</a>

Read more about HTML Links: HTML Links and their uses

How to create a hyperlink with a relative address path

You can also use a relative path if your file exists in the same project or same website.

For example:

 You want to link a photo(myPic.gif) that exists in the Images folder in the root folder.

 <a href="/Images/myPic.gif">Click here</a>

The above link is the same as:

<a href="" >Click Here</a>

Browser Support

The anchor tag <a> is supported by all modern browsers. Feel free to use it.

BrowsersChromeMozilla FirefoxSafari (for Mac)Microsoft EdgeOpera

That’s all about the anchor tag <a> in HTML. If you liked this chapter, feel free to connect with us on Youtube for Video Tutorial.


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